Thursday 3 January 2013

Care and Cleansing Methods for Your Crystals

A lot of people ask me about cleansing their crystals, so I thought I would write a blog post with my 2 cents on the subject :)

When it comes to cleansing and/or charging your crystals and stones, I firmly believe that whatever methods resonate with you are the ones you should use. I am personally of the belief that this is a human ideal that we place on the stones -- when you think about it, they're pretty hearty -- they've been around for billions of years, withstanding far more through the elements, extreme temperatures, mining, etc., than any human being/store/situation with "bad vibes" could ever really put them through! To be perfectly honest, people who get super intense about other people touching their crystals annoy me -- crystals, by nature, beg to be touched!! If someone with "bad vibes" touches your crystals, rest assured, they will be okay :)

Crystals are programmable, the computer I write this on evidences that, so what you put "into" your crystals with loving thought and intent is what will dwell in them. This will only grow and attune you to your crystals over time as you work with them. The "cleansing" process is a ritual that can assist you in doing this effectively for yourself, I do it, too. But I'm aware that the atomic structure of a crystal is one of the most reliable structures we have, and short of taking a sledgehammer to it, it's going to stay solid for us, atomically and energetically... always in alignment, and always helping to realign us when we come in contact with it.

To re-attune your crystal's energy, you can use sound -- a singing bowl, your own voice, even your speakers with your favourite music. This is a new school of thought that feels very right to me. You can bury them in uncooked brown rice, this is another that feels very wholesome and good to me, personally. My favourite, however, is simple, tried and true tap water. I put them in the bathroom sink in warm water with several drops of Lavender oil, which feels very nurturing for all involved :) Then, before I take them out, I run them under cool water with my eyes closed, imagining that the stream of cool water is white light that clears them and opens them to my intentions. You'll want to be careful to not put water soluble crystals like Selenite in the bath or they might not come out! And as far as sea salt goes, I know a lot of people like it, but my concern is that it can be abrasive to certain crystals with a moh's hardness of less than 7, so I personally don't use that method. The moonlight (and also sunlight) is good for charging your crystals, but be careful of putting colourful crystals like Amethyst in the sun because fading can occur.

I'm sure I've left some methods out, but these are the methods that work best for me. I hope you will enjoy them, also. At the end of the day, your love and good intention is what will make your crystals feel ultimately cared for and in their best condition to work their magic for you <3 Namaste <3 Luna

Here are some amazing articles and resources on the subject of crystals and cleansing:

Thursday 30 August 2012

Luna Blue's 20% Off BLUE MOON SALE!!

Just for the blessed event of the Blue Moon, (a second full moon in the same month), Luna Blue Boutique is celebrating and wants to spread the joy :) When this business began, I had originally wanted to name it Blue Moon Boutique, but not surprisingly, that name was taken. Luna Blue popped into my head immediately and was a go. I was so excited to find out *after the fact* that this shop has opened in the month of a blue moon! Fortuitous!!

Monday 20 August 2012

Luna Blue's Midnight Blue Labradorite & Quartz Crystal Wand

Luna Blue's one of a kind Midnight Blue Labradorite & Quartz Crystal Wand. A high vibration powerhouse! Breathtaking in it's detailing, this wand is a true beauty to behold. Embellished with 3 carefully chosen Labradorite stones, 2 vivid, polished cabochons and a sphere on the handle's end, this wand will enchant you with brilliant feldspar flashes from every angle! Shimmering lavender and violet swarovski crystals dazzlingly adorn the wand's handle making the labradorite's midnight cobalt seem to dance before your eyes. The wand itself is an ice water clear, polished Quartz point with a smooth high vibration that is easily felt.

A perfect addition to your sacred space or alter and an amazing tool for connecting the energy in your crystal grids!

Labradorite is considered by mystics to be a stone of transformation and magic. It is said to clear, balance and protect the aura. It is purported to help provide clarity and insight into your destiny, as well as attract success. It is used in metaphysics for dream recall, and finding ways to use dreams in daily life. Mystically, energies of stress and anxiety are said to be reduced by labradorite. Labradorite is said to increase intuition, psychic development, esoteric wisdom, help with subconscious issues, and provide mental illumination. In crystal healing and folklore, Labradorite is said to help with eyes, sight, diagnosis, brain, digestion, metabolism, warts. Labradorite is associated with the solar plexus and brow chakras.

New Crystal Wands at Luna Blue Boutique

As the last sweet days of summer grace us with their golden sunshine, I have to admit that part of me has begun to long for the sweet smell of fall leaves. Alberta has a short Autumn season, but a delicious one... Looking forward to belted sweaters and cups of spicy tea <3

It's been a busy weekend at the Luna Blue studio! My muse has been a tireless chatterbox. Here is the first of several new crystal wands in the Luna Blue Collection, Luna Blue's Lavender Frost Moonstone Tanzan Aura Crystal Wand.

Friday 17 August 2012

Luna Blue's Boutique's Custom Rune Sets - Fortune Favours the Bold!

After just over a week on etsy, this item has turned into quite a favourite, with already 10 admirers. Thanks, guys! These runes were fun to make, even more fun to name -- "Freya's Fortune", after the Norse Goddess of Beauty, Love and Destiny. Stay tuned for new sets on the way in the weeks to come, "Odin's Omen" and "Valkyrie's Ventures"... Love, Luna <3

Thursday 16 August 2012

First blog post ever :)

Totally new to blogging! Excited to start though :) Also very excited to start my etsy shop, which I opened on August 2nd, 2012 - Luna Blue Boutique, "A Divine Toolkit for the Modern Mystic". I decided it was time to share my passion for crystals, stones and their amazing metaphysical properties with the world, as well as the custom made metaphysical "tools" I've made like crystal wands, smudging fans (pictured above) and hand-crafted rune sets.

Feel free to take a look around: